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Community Rating System

Community Rating System

DuPage County officially became enrolled in Federal Emergency Management Agency's Community Rating System (CRS) program.  We received a CRS rating of 6, meaning unincorporated residents with property located in a floodplain and who pay for flood insurance are eligible to receive up to a 20% discount on their flood insurance premiums. Our CRS Coordinator is Paul Hoss - Planning and Zoning Administration Coordinator. He can be reached by either email or phone at: Paul.Hoss@dupagecounty.gov or 630-407-6756.

In order to facilitate the process for residents to provide documentation to their insurance companies we have provided in this website several documents that you should use and provide to your insurance companies to help you gain the allowable reduction to your flood insurance premium payment.

  1. Welcome and FAQ (PDF)
  2. Letter to owners and insurance companies (PDF)
  3. FEMA Approval Letter (PDF)
  4. DuPage County Press Release (PDF)
  5. Municipalities CRS Ratings (PDF)

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