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Business Sustainability Resources

Want to Green Your Business?

DuPage County is committed to reducing its impact on the environment and so we encourage businesses to pursue sustainability certifications, awards, and other programs. This information is provided as a service to businesses and is updated intermittently or when changes are brought to our attention. Inclusion on this page is not an endorsement of any of these companies/certifications, nor has the County purposely excluded any parties that provide sustainability programs and/or certifications.

Available Certifications/Awards

Product Certifications



  • Sustainable DuPage Program Series: A Cool DuPage and Choose DuPage Lunch 'N' Learn collaboration with recordings available below.
    • Sustainability in Commercial Construction: In this webinar learn best practices for reducing your environmental footprint in commercial construction and renovation projects.
    • Recognition In Sustainability: In this webinar learn how businesses can achieve recognition and accolades for sustainable practices. Also discussed are the opportunities that exist and the impact it can have on your business. 
    • Incentives & Resources For Sustainable Development: In this webinar, learn about the incentives and resources available for energy efficiency, HVAC improvements, renewable energy, and other sustainable development projects.

The Business of Going Green: A Webinar - DuPage County, IL: In this webinar SEDAC explains the Green Business Assessment program that is being done in partnership with Choose DuPage. This is a program offered to DuPage County businesses at no cost.

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