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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding DuPage County Planning Information
What is the population of DuPage County?
Based on the initial release of 2010 census data by the U.S. Census Bureau ( www.census.gov), the population of DuPage County in 2010 was 916,924. That represents a population growth of 12,763 (or 1.4%) from the year 2000, when the County had a population of 904,161.
How diversified is the population of DuPage County?
During the 2000-2010 period, the County's minority population experienced substantial growth. This growth can be attributed mainly to a wide variety of jobs and housing opportunities that are found in DuPage County.

2000 and 2010 Race and Ethnicity as Percent of Total DuPage Population

Group 2000 2010
Non-Hispanic White 79.0% 70.5%
Hispanic 9.0% 13.3%
Non-Hispanic Asian 8.0% 10.0%
Non-Hispanic Black 3.0% 4.5%

Minorities in DuPage County (Based on 2010 Census estimates data).The County's total population in 2008 was 930,528

Minority 2010 minority population Percent of total 2010 population
Hispanic 121,506 13.3%
African-American 41,024 4.5%
Asian 91,792 10.0%

What are some of the age characteristics of the population?
The median age of the DuPage County population in 2010 was 38.2 years.11.6% of the population was 65 or older, and 24.8% was younger than 18.
What is the educational attainment of the population?
DuPage County ranks first in the State of Illinois in educational attainment.45% of the persons over 25 have a Bachelor's degree or higher.
How large is the area of DuPage County?
DuPage County has a land area of approximately 336 square miles.
How many municipalities are there in DuPage County?
There are 39 municipalities that are located wholly or partly within the County.
What is the median income of DuPage County residents?
In 2010, DuPage County had a median annual household income of $72,471.
What is the median value of housing in DuPage County?
The 2010 median value of owner-occupied housing units was $297,700.The median monthly rent of renter-occupied housing units was $1,025.
How many businesses are located in DuPage County?
In 2009, there were 33,330 business establishments in DuPage County (U.S. Census Bureau).
Who are some of the largest employers in DuPage County?
BP America, Argonne National Lab, United Parcel Service, Northern Illinois Gas, Fermi Lab, Edward Hospital, Navistar International, Central DuPage Hospital, McDonald's Corporation, DuPage County, College of DuPage.
How many jobs are there in DuPage County?
Based on the Bureau of Economic Analysis, in 2009 there were 695,603 jobs in DuPage County.
How many residents of other counties work in DuPage County?

DuPage County has become an important economic engine for the Northeastern Illinois region as it provides jobs for thousands of workers who live in other counties. Based on the 2000 Census, 256,000 daily work trips into DuPage originate in other counties (a 300% increase over the 1980 number). (Please see Graph 1: Work trips to DuPage County destinations 1970-2000 (PDF), and Graph 2: 2000 Work trips into DuPage originating outside the County (PDF)).

DuPage County is a net exporter of over 65,000 jobs (256,000 residents of other counties commute daily to work into DuPage, while 191,000 people who live in DuPage work in other counties). Map 1: 2000 Number of Work Trips into and from DuPage County provides a geographic representation of the worker flows.

How do I get a copy of DuPage County's comprehensive plan?
By calling the Department of Economic Development and Planning at 630-407-6700.
How do I get more detailed information about DuPage County?
Please see the "2002 Profile"
How can I get Census data?
From the U.S. Census Bureau ( www.census.gov)
What is another source for obtaining demographic and economic information on the Chicago Metropolitan region?
The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) ( http://www.cmap.illinois.gov) is an excellent source for data and projections for the region and its political subdivisions.
Can I get demographic data for smaller geographic areas, such as census tracts, block groups and districts within DuPage County?
Yes, by calling the Department of Economic Development and Planning: 630-407-6700
Can I get maps of specific areas within DuPage County?
Yes, by calling the Department of Economic Development and Planning at 630-407-6700. These maps can also include demographic and other location-specific data. (There is a charge for this service.)
How can I find out whether my property is in an unincorporated area or within the boundaries of a municipality?
By calling the Department of Economic Development and Planning at 630-407-6700.
What are the public transportation options in DuPage County?
DuPage County is served by three Metra commuter rail lines, and many Pace bus routes. For more information go to ( www.metra.com and www.pacebus.com).
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