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Adaptive Housing

Statutory Citation

35 ILCS 200/15-165


  • The applicant must be a disabled veteran (or surviving un-remarried spouse) who has served in the Armed Forces of the United States and who has acquired, in connection with that service, a disability of such a nature that the Federal Government has authorized payment for purchase or construction of specially adapted housing as set forth in the U.S. Code Title 38, Chapter 21.
  • The applicant's home must be owner-occupied by the disabled veteran, the disabled veteran's spouse, or the surviving un-remarried spouse of the disabled veteran as of January 1st of eligibility year.

Application Process

  • Upon notification by the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs of eligibility, the exemption will be automatically processed on behalf of eligible individual.

Renewal Process

  • The exemption renewal is initiated when the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs notifies the Supervisor of Assessments of eligibility and does not require any action by the recipient.


  • The Disabled Veteran's Exemption provides an annual deduction of up to $100,000 off of the taxable assessed valuation for the home.
  • Typical tax savings for those receiving the maximum assessment reductions can be as much as $4,000, depending upon the local tax rates and the amount of the exemption.
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